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Joe’s Idiosyncrasies: The Dorky Side of the Moon

If we were to liken each organ in Joe’s celestial mass to those of our universe, then it’s with little doubt that his belly would take up the position of the most prominent star: it’s the Sun around which all the other “unheavenly” bodies in his sorry system revolves.

Of such lesser bodies, include the deafening black hole from which the Sun has and continues to acquire its cosmic proportions and a peculiar twin moon phenomenon that is of interest to us today.

This strange Lunar mass displays an eccentric quality to that of its kin in that it hardly ever rotates round its earthly space unless when gravitated to by the forces of a sun-dance, otherwise known as a belly dance.

However, true to its inescapable satellite roots have been its futile efforts at stealing the light from the sun — a task it has succeeded with varying degrees of success during a few elliptical mooning incidents that are logged below.

Notable Episodes

  1. Impractical Jokers Season 3, Episode 1 Look Out Below
    While working as bellhops at the Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa, Joe moons on the window right in front of a couple, then is challenged to drag his buttocks on the floor of the hotel room.
  2. Impractical Jokers, Season 4, Episode 14 Bathroom Break
    Joe moons a customer in an auto-parts shop (B.S & F Auto Parts).
  3. Impractical Jokers Season 4 Unseen Scenes Special
    Joe moons a stranger in a supermarket as part of a challenge.
  4. Impractical Jokers Season 5, Episode 07 Putting the P in Pool
    In a punishment, Joe has to announce that he’s peeing in the pool. Of course, before doing this, he has to do the customary thing and show not just his belly but his crack.
  5. Impractical Jokers Season 5, Episode 24 Stage Fright
    Inside a tram with passengers, Joe has to eat peanuts while in his boxers only which conveniently reveals the obvious.
  6. Impractical Jokers Season 6, Episode 07 X Man
    In a waiting room, Joe moons Murr in a challenge where the jokers have to secretly make each other laugh.
  7. Impractical Jokers Season 6, Episode 11 Stuffed Turkey
    Joe moons a stranger that he’s assembling office furniture with.

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(im)practical binger

An Impractical Jokers' aficionado that's always up for a roundish avocado.

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