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Sal: The Idiosyncrasies

Sal Sal Sal … what can I say? You often remind me of a “mad man” called Sal but usually I’m just content in thinking that two letters are missing at the end of your name.

Index of Sals’s Idiosyncrasies

  1. I’m a Sensitive Guy
  2. Dancing with the Joker
  3. Straight-up Sexy
  4. Joker Wars… The Punishment Due
  5. Phases of Disgust
  6. Down with Laughter
  7. A Strange Feat of Flat
  8. Sassy on Demand
  9. Kool-Aid Guy Voice
  10. Bonded by Bloody Jokes



(im)practical binger

An Impractical Jokers' aficionado that's always up for a roundish avocado.

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