I suppose only three things come close to the love Joe has for dogs: his daughter, wife and his love for food. While Sal dreads the idea of picking up dog poop, Joe casually put his nose where such matter is exerted to the outside world.
His talents in this regard are however not just limited to matters of dumping, for he also shows great skill when it comes to humping. This is some Sirius stuff right here.
Notable Episodes
- Impractical Jokers Season 1, Episode 13 Charity Case
Remember the dog sniffing incident at Puppy city. Well, that was merely a harbinger of the great things to follow. For quickly after this Joe went full on canine mode, from fetching a toy to humping a stranger’s leg. - Impractical Jokers Season 4, Episode 15 Kill the Centaur
Once upon a time, Joe humped a dog. His name was Dutch. - Impractical Jokers Season 6, Episode 05 Vampire Weakened
Joe brings his four dogs (a.k.a the Gatto pups: Mishkeen, Biscotti, Cannoli & Tartufo) for a challenge.